To find success and prosperity, both within ourselves and in the life around us, we must be open to take risks, do new things, and face our fears. It is easy to continue with the same old routine every day and stay in our comfort zone, but it takes willpower and character to make a positive change.
One way to start living a more prosperous, successful life is getting a new perspective by traveling, be it short distances or around the world. Here are a few reasons why:
- Mindful travelers choose to live in the moment: If you think of the happiest memories of your life, you’ll most likely find that you were the happiest when you weren’t thinking of the past or the future, but instead allowing yourself to be completely immersed in the moment. Living in the moment when traveling can help you to experience life as never before. You’d be surprised how many new things you can experience when you allow your mind to let go and just be in the moment. Don’t let the experience of now pass you by when there are so many beautiful things to see.
- Mindful travelers don’t let fear rule their life: Everyday life can be stressful and scary. While traveling, those scary emotions tend to come up even more, but if we understand that fear is not benefiting us in any way, and only taking us further from our goal of being prosperous and successful, we can learn to take control of our minds and have a more positive outlook. To be prosperous within ourselves, we must learn to master our minds.
Mindful travelers know how to calm their mind: The human brain is the key to our prosperity and success. It can either be the most constructive ally, or the most destructive enemy. When stressful situations arise during travel, knowing how to calm the racing mind can help us get through situations smoothly. Good practices to do when you feel your thoughts racing are mindful breathing and meditation. Wherever you are, be it a busy airport, walking in nature, or in a big city, standing or sitting, close your eyes for a few moments and focus on your breathing. When thoughts come up, notice them and allow them to float away. Meditating daily helps increase happiness, peace of mind, and a prosperous lifestyle.
- Mindful travelers appreciate culture and diversity: Mindful travels understand that there are new things to learn from every culture. When traveling, it is good for us to connect to the people, learn how they live, and see what we can learn from them. Learning from other prosperous people is essential in our own journey. Traveling can help us realize that even people living in poor, impoverished areas still find happiness and find joy and appreciation for everything they have.
Mindful travels appreciate life and give gratitude: Giving gratitude for all that we have is a key point in being prosperous and happy. Even those who don’t have much should appreciate the miracle of life and have gratitude for simple pleasures. Having running water, breathing fresh air, having a loving family friends are things we should all be grateful for. Mindful travelers appreciate life. By traveling, and living in the moment, we have experiences that make us profoundly grateful for our ability to travel and see other parts of the world. Being grateful increase our prosperity and success, because it shows us hat no matter what, we are fortunate.
This post is written by my daughter, Roshana Ostowari. She is transferring to Sarah Lawrence next month as a Creative Writing student.